I do think a letter from the ARRL to all the cruise companies might be a good idea. Very few cruise lines allow amateur radio anymore and that's a shame. Operating from the Carnival Liberty during the AMSAT cruise last year was great fun!
Paul, N8HM
On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 9:40 PM, Jeff Moore [email protected] wrote:
Cancel your cruise and be very specific as to why you are doing so and then book on a line that WILL let you bring your radios!! Hams deserve better treatment than this!
7 3 Jeff Moore -- KE7ACY
On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 5:05 PM, Lee Maisel [email protected] wrote:
Post this to QRZ Forums. Perhaps enough pressure on Princess will get policies fixed.
On 5/24/2017 4:46 PM, Jerry Buxton wrote:
This is a very interesting item. Being a multi-time Princess cruiser, I have requested, received permission for, and taken ham radios on a dozen cruises over almost two decades. Today, in following up on my unanswered request for our upcoming cruise, I was informed through our Princess travel agent that the department which handles the amateur radio requests says that there will be no more permissions given as ham radios have been added to the prohibited items list by Princess Security. Interestingly, FRS is not on that same list.
We had a bit of a discussion about it but of course the agent is not in any position to do more than handling the request to the person in charge of that, so there won't be any VP9/N0JY/MM on this cruise. To make it worse, that would also prohibit even taking the HTs along for use on land as we tour the British Isles. I am totally bummed.
Does anybody on this list work for Princess Cruises, maybe have some thoughts on this? :-)
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