Your antenna plan is not bad, you just to make sure that their pointing (direction) are reasonably accurate. The larger the array, the higher the gain, the more narrow the beam width. The 11 element array pointing comment was just to be sure that that individual was reasonably close to the direction of the bird. Off pointed and he could be experiencing the problem he is seeing of not hearing the bird(s). If was meant only as another suggestion to look at.
When I get my rotator fixed, I plan on putting the KLM two meter 22 element and 70 cm 40 element arrays back up. They worked extremely well on AO-7 and the HEOs that once circled the heavens.
Reid, W4UPD
Tom wrote:
Thanks for all of the great information. Since both the TS2000 and IC910H have been around a while I believe that most of their 'problems' have been at least discovered. So, in that respect, I'm leaning away from the "still to be debugged" IC-9100. Also new rigs always are priced high in the beginning of their life, as we all know. I know that some of the ham dealers are offering "Closeout" prices on the 910H but I didn't see much difference from previous pricing.
Not to prolong this thread but Jerry's append (below) brings up another question. How much antenna is "too much" for satellite operation. Someone earlier mentioned that an 11 element yagi might have a beam width too narrow to closely follow an LEO bird. I had planned on using yagis with 13 elements on 2M and 18 els on 70cm. Is that a bad plan?
Thanks again. Tom, KØTW
Hi; I have owned the Ft-736 R and the Ft-847, which I am using now. No matter which rig you decide to buy the most important thing is the antenna system.