Hi all,
Today I mounted a 67el 2.4GHz yagi antenna on S-band, installed my AO_40 equipment and used AO-51 mode L/S for the first time. It was great! I could make 3 qso's with EA3FXK, EA3EMG and OZ1MY. Also heard PA3GUO who has only a uplink tx.
I noticed a lot of qsb between 51 and 59 independent on the uplink and/or downlink. So sometimes a strong downlink but no signal on the repeater. I could use the repeater to 4 degrees elevation on AOS and LOS.
Also used no automatic doppler tuning. On the downlink tuned to the signal and switched on the AFC of the trx. The uplink was tuned by hand.
equipment: L-band uplink: IC910 10w 26el yagi S-band downlink: IC910 + db6nt ao-40 converter + 67el yagi.
I hope to see you on mode AO-51 L/S
73 Rob PE1ITR http://www.pe1itr.com