The *energy* is exactly the same, the sole exception being whatever little bits of delta-V were added or subtracted by OMS burns. I emphasize *energy* because the acceleration/deceleration is a change in energy that can be thought of as a form of power or work, both of which have a differential/integral relationship to energy. And it's that differential/integral relationship that supplies all the wiggle room in this problem, because you can't control how *much* kinetic energy you're getting rid of, but you can control how you spread out that energy dispersal over time, to some extent.
An extremely accurate analogy is driving your car down a back country road and seeing the railroad crossing ahead light up and the gates start to close -- your initial speed is the same no matter what you do, but you can choose to drive all the way up to the crossing and try to stop as hard as you can right there, which will send everything in the car flying and probably set your brakes on fire or raise a cloud of smoke from your tires, or you can choose to put a light pressure on the brake and gradually slow down until you finally stop at the crossing, and barely feel the deceleration and maybe only slightly warm up your brakes. Same initial kinetic energy, vastly different dispersal rates. :D
On Feb 15, 2008, at 3:36 AM, Auke de Jong, VE6PWN wrote:
This might be excessively basic, but wouldn't the heat energy of the friction in re-entry be roughly equivalent to the energy from the engines which put the craft up there in the first place? This doesn't include the de-orbit burn, obviously, but since the shuttle has a lot of mass, there will be more time spent at high velocity dragging against the atmosphere, than a relatively small satellite which weighs much less mass, given the same descent path because of it's higher intertia(Kinetic Energy).
"This is an amazing honor. I want you to know that I spend so much time in the world that is spinning all the time, that to be in the no- spin zone actually gives me vertigo." -- Stephen Colbert during an interview on FOX News, The O'Reilly Factor