At 08:34 AM 4/1/2011, Ib Christoffersen wrote:
However the only/best way to improve things is to make direct contact with the offenders of good operating practice. Most often we can find their e-mail addresses on qrz.com. I have done that many times - most often with a good result.
My experience here is that contacting people who cause problems and pointing them in the right direction is highly likely to succeed. In this part of the world, almost all ham originated QRM is accidental, caused by poor station setup or operating practices, and these people generally appreciate someone taking time out to give them some pointers.
I have a text "Considerate Operating Practice.." in several languages which I can send to those of you who want to try yourself.
Good idea. I have written similar, suited to the generally lighter traffic in this part of the world (e.g. on late night passes, a ragchew with short overs of 15 seconds or less and 5 - 10 second breaks between overs can _help_ people find the satellite, so they can pick the downlink our from the noise!). It should still be online at http://vkradio.com/satiquette.html .
73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL http://vkradio.com