And the definite answer to the question is NO, the ISS is not a satellite, so it doesn't get you the bonus. I recall its status came up before, and is a bit anomalous. I did suggest a slight modification to the Q&A on the FD package next year to clarify what is not necessarily an intuitive situation. Well, there is GO-32 if you want to do 9600 baud, and there is certainly going to be less traffic.
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Hi Alan -
Thanks for the note. As the ISS is NOT a satellite, this would not qualify for the 100-point bonus. To earn that credit, you will need to make a QSO through one of the recognized Amateur Radio satellites.
Have fun at Field Day this year!
Sean Kutzko KX9X Contest Branch Manager ARRL - The national association of Amateur Radio 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 USA (860) 594-0232 email: [email protected]