Unfortunatly the Chinese blow up the satellite into many peaces. It would have been a better action when they push back the satellite towards earth, but at some 850km satellite altitude its not that easy I guess.
Maybe next time they can show a better use for their rockets by giving a free-ride to a hamsat ;o)
About the space debris, I red some article about 2 weeks ago. It was from a NASA investigation showing how many debris per country is contributed (mainly rocket parts). It was an older pdf document, and very interresting. Unfortunatly I can not find it anymore, but the number behind "USA" and "USSR" were one of the largest.
In my search for that document I find some other interresting webpage showing debris in orbit. Have a look at: http://orbitaldebris.jsc.nasa.gov/photogallery/beehives.html#geo
William, PE1RAH ---
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