Nevermind that email.
The Colorado Amsat net tonight will only be local on the W0KU 449.625 repeater on Lookout Mountain and the Denver reflector.
My ham server is very sick and AllStar / EchoLink is crashing and important folders for the link systems are missing for some reason.
73 Skyler KDØWHB
On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 6:04 PM, Skyler F wrote:
This is a reminder that the Colorado Amateur Satellite net will begin in 1 hour from now (7PM mountain time Thursday).
6PM Pacific 7PM Mountain 8PM Central 9PM Eastern
Please visit us on
*IRLP* 9870, the Denver Reflector
40764, direct hookup to the repeater here. 41715, KC9ZHV hub at a data center if I am out of bandwidth. More info on AllStar -
*AMSAT* unless there is an ARISS contact, then go direct to KD0WHB-L
*LOCAL RF* 449.875 (-) 103.5 (the Rocky Mountain Radio League repeater on Eldorado Mountain) 447.225 (-) 141.3 (The STEM school repeater we set up) 447.850 (-) 141.3 (ACØKQ's repeater where he lives on TOP of saddleback mountain) 449.625 (-) 141.3 ( WØKU Lookout Mountain) Possibly here, not for sure yet 147.450 SIMPLEX (Aurora, CO) 446.275 (-) 100.0 Galena St. Local repeater at my house, giving a whoppin 5 blocks of great coverage
Your Repeater here!, Email me if you want to link in or me to link your echolink or allstar repeater in automatically (no automatic IRLP linking supported)
Skyler Fennell KDØWHB