What do EchoLink or IRLP have to do with the frequency chosen for a local repeater...
Those systems list the output frequency in many of the lists I've seen online.
There are also scripts that run on IRLP and Echolink nodes to put out an object on APRS 144.39. These objects appear on your APRS mobile or HT radio and contain their frequency, PL tone and coverage range and status... See how they look on a D7: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/aprs/EL-123456x.JPG
The position page on the D7 shows the distance and direction: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/aprs/EL-posit.JPG
Problem is, not all such nodes output this valuable information so that they can be seen by everyone in range.
For full details on how Voice repeaters, Echolink and IRLP nodes (and all other local HAM radio assets) are supposed to announce themselves to nearby travelers, please see: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/localinfo.html