Hi all,
A few days ago I have transmitted and recorded a (low-power) FT8 signal through the FO-29 linear transponder to test some Doppler correction algorithms I'm developing (see http://destevez.net/2017/10/wsjt-x-and-linear-satellites-part-ii/)
After Doppler correction, I'm left with a linear frequency drift both in my downlink signal and in the satellite CW beacon. However, the drift rate of my signal and the beacon are different. Specifically, my signal drifts 1.26 times faster than the beacon. I suspect that this drift is due to one of the local oscillators in FO-29.
To understand this better, I need to look at a block diagram of the FO-29 linear transponder. The best I've found is this:
However, I need something similar to this:
Since I need to see the frequencies of all the local oscillators involved in the transponder and CW beacon.
Is there a more detailed block diagram for FO-29 or does anyone know something about this information?
Dani EA4GPZ.