If you have made a SatPC32 backup relatively recently, you can use that to restore your configuration without opening the program.








From: saguaroastro--- via AMSAT-BB
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 13:03
To: [email protected]
Subject: [AMSAT-BB] I did something dumb


OK, I was playing around with the cat controls on SATPC32 and somehow changed the radio to a rig I don’t have )FT991 I think)  anyway, now I get  the message “ switch on the radio before you start the program Of it was on click OK the shut SATPC32. Switch the radio off and on, the restart SatPC32 The program will now be closed” So since I can’t open the program to change the radio to the correct one, short of uninstalling a re installing, any ideas how I can fix this?




Rick Tejera

Saguaro Astronomy Club


Thunderbird Amateur Radio Club
