Years ago I used to understand packet and actually used to work the store and forward orbiting BBS satellites we had access to. Things have changed radically in my station setup and I'm baffled as to how to get things to work together. I'm sure I could re-learn this if I knew what to read that would walk me through things and refresh my memory. Here is my software/hardware setup:
Flex5000A V/U I use virtual serial and audio ports and the computer's sound card. I have installed: UISS, AGWPE, Packet Engine Pro, UZ7HO Term and SoundModem
Using AGWPE and UISS I am receiving packet station son 144.390 no problem. Past that I'm stumped on how to get the transmit side going and what protocols are used for connecting to anything let along ISS.
Any help would be appreciated and for that matter just point me to something I can read and come away understanding this. It's days like this that I long for hardware TNC's and radios with knobs! :) Although I'd still probably have trouble as I was a lot younger when I got all this to work years ago. 73 Rick, W2JAZ