Luc and All,
I was able to copy the CW signal "fair" at times (when my local pulse noise was down) today around 1840 utc with just a Cushcraft 432-20T
73 all, Rick WA4NVM
Hi Rick, WA4NVM
As far I remember the 432-20T should be a 10 + 10 elements crossed yagi. Do you remember if your antenna is connected for RHCP or LHCP ?
Since Arecibo transmit a RHCP toward the moon and the moon reflects back a LHCP wave if you was able to copy the CW signal then your antenna should be LHCP.
Please let us know if possible.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
You are correct about the antenna. It is a 10 + 10 element crossed yagi. At the time I put it back up a few years ago, I didn't know what the FM birds were using, RH or LH. So, I took the delay line off and hooked up both driven elements to the phasing harness "Y" in what Cushcraft called "axial radiation".
I would think this would give me the "best and worst" of everything. It would make my uplink power and downlink receive "half" of what they could be if they were phased correctly. Since I don't have any way to switch polarity, I use it this way on all the birds. I'm still very surprised I heard anything on this setup.