11 Jan
11 Jan
11:44 p.m.
Hello to all I am running SatPc32 ver 12.8a and a FT817ND(vhf) and a FT897D(uhf) It all works fine until I go to Sat HO-68,every time I go to that ast it shuts off my FT817nd Has anyone else had this problem Its almost like it is getting the cat command to shut off Below is my doppler settings from the sqf file that iI have put in.
HO-68,435765,145925,USB,LSB,REV,0,0,Xponder HO-68,435675,145825,FM,FM,NOR,0,0,Rptr HO-68,435790,145910,USB,LSB.REV,0,0,CWbcn
Thanx to all Howard VE4ISP