The PSAT2-1 pass last night came up to 50 degrees here in Southern California; this is my first successful DTMF contact with both the voice response TTS on 148.980 MHz and APRS packet on 145.825 MHz using the Yeasu FT2DR.
I am not running doppler offsets nor Az/El motor; so this was a single shot at the top of the pass.
Here is a picture of the packet on my radio since the SatGates did not share this with APRS-IS:
My callsign is listed on the summary beacon page which renders the last 9 callsigns heard by PSAT-1 DTMF:
I wish it had also made it to the individual packet page:
But, there appears to be an issue with the SatGates in my area not iGating these new DTMF packets.
73 RM