Congratulations for all those involved in this spectacular launch. Will be soon joining thousands others throughout the world to copy and marvel the new stars.
Sangat, 9M2SS
2008/4/28 Prathap Kumar [email protected]:
We the members of Amsat India and the Indian Ham fraternity congratulate ISRO for the successful 10 pack satellite launch via the PSLV C9 this morning.
We would also congratulate the DELFI team, CUTE team and the SEEDS team for their amateur radio satellites which are now placed in orbit.
Looking forward to hearing the first telemetry in a few minutes which ofcourse is a low westrly pass for us. VU3TYG and myself would try to monitor and record.
Looking forward to a the new exciting sats. Best 73 Pop VU2POP Secy Amsat India
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