8 May
8 May
9:59 a.m.
Hi All because the ft847 won't tune in increments of less than 10hz via the CAT port I have found it difficult getting data from DELFI. In the end I had to increase the update time to 10secs which gives RASCAL time to follow the doppler down and decode packets,this is ok when the rate of frequency change is slow but on high elevation passes at TCA it stuggles.Appart from tuning by hand has anyone got other (better) solutions to the doppler tuning problem with the 847?Regards Robert G8ATE _________________________________________________________________ Great deals on almost anything at eBay.co.uk. Search, bid, find and win on eBay today! http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/msnnkmgl0010000004ukm/direct/01/