Steve - W4RNL's site is s good place to start.
< www.cebik.com >
"Antennas" (2nd edition), a book by John Kraus (W8JK), has a good section on the method of moments, often used in antenna modeling. You can find a copy at most technical libraries. Not quite on line, but reliable.
Volume 1 (I think Vol 1, this is from memory) of the NEC-2 users manual has a good tutorial on the mathematics behind the model. Green's Functions and all that.
The ARRL has a course in antenna modeling it starts every month. Costs $85 though and I am not sure how much math it has. I suspect not much. Let us know if you need more leads.
Does your wife's prof know you are doing the leg work for her homework for her? :^)= - Dr. MEgacycle KK6MC/5
-- James Duffey KK6MC/5 Cedar Crest NM 87008 DM65