Is the 435KW an EIRP number, or power into their feed. I was thinking the later. No?
Greg. KO6TH On Feb 8, 2013 6:53 AM, "Robert Bruninga" [email protected] wrote:
I wonder what 435kw at 28,000 km will do to the surface temperature on
that rock?
Let's see, power goes down as 1/R squared. So lets compare it to a candle. A candle is about 50 Watts or about (435000/50W) or about 10,000 times less power. Take the square root of that to get about 100/th the range.
So that radar at 28,000 km will heat the surface about as much as a candle would at 280km. (unless I screwed up before my morning coffee)...
Bob,WB4APR _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb