Hi to the list, Please apologize if for someone i am making a stupid question. I am going to change my broken G-5400B rotator with a new G-5500 one. Before i mount it on the mast i am going to set it to the North. On the old one, on the Control Box there was 0 degreese and 360 degreese on the same point, in the middle of the analo display while on the new one i have the 0 degreese on the left side of the analig display at the beginner of the analog display while the 360 degreese is on the right side of the analog display. The stupid question is: How do i have to set the Azimuth rotator? On the 0 degreese on the left side of the analog display or on the 360 degreese on the right side of the analog display? Any help will be really appreciated. Enzo
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