In several attempts I have yet to hear myself on the AO-85 downlink. finally, after playing with SatPC32 this evening I realized it tells me pretty well exactly where I should be. I ran through an upcoming pass to see what it tells me and the result is tabulated in the following table. First column is time (UTC), second column is the fine freq to 4 decimals and the third column are frequencies I can actually enter in my TH-D72 with its 5 kHz frequency step. 435.170 at AOS confirms what many ops have told me in the last few days. What I forgot was how fast the frequency changes as AO-85 passes through its maximum elevation; the middle 3 minutes will be busy!
Anyway, I was pleased to "discover" this and hope the information will give me what I need to finally make a QSO or two. Now I just hope I don't get rained out!
Ken Alexander VE3HLS