There is an article on the North Texas Microwave Society website about building a 1296 MHz loop yagi.
Go to
Then look at the list of links on the left hand side of the page. Click on "Tech Library". Then choose "The NTMS 1296 Loop Yagi Project - Al Ward - W5LUA (pdf) 169k".
The link just below that one has some technical measurements.
Glen, K9STH
Website: http://k9sth.com
--- On Thu, 1/29/09, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:
I am looking for some brain power from anyone who has built loop yagi's. I am getting my information from The ARRL Antenna book 20th edition. The book says follow exactly, however. It calls for alluminum elements 0.0325 thick, I have copper 0.025 thick. It calls for 3/4" alluminum boom I have 3/4 copper and some 1/2" stainless steel channel. The feed to the driven element is UT-14, I have a short piece with a SMA already attached, will connecting the SMA to a SMA-N adapter be acceptable? I have seen the pretty pictures of Directive Systems antennas
Same idea only different parts. Are these things pretty "forgiving" or are the components critical? Also comparing the loop to a quagi the loop widths are 1/4" wide and the quagi used #18 wire, why? My intent is satellites and/or terrestial. Thanks for the bandwidth.