I have to admit I am glad to see the amount of support for people trying to get me to keep things up and running here.
However as I see it it's a chance to stream line the station into a portable set up, all be it FM only.. and work the birds in that manor.
My very 1st love is VHF contesting.. and as much as I tried to pull off a semi-operable station that could pull double duty (sats as well) it just isn't possible here. There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to point your antennas in a certain direction due to a house in the way or put them up at a reasonable height above the houses ( Tower ) However.. Like I stated before being QRV on the sats does not mean I must have the latest and greatest. I can easily pull it off with an arrow/HT or mobile radio.. and in addition its portable!! In addition as far as the VHF terrestrial operations go.. I will actively look for a group/club that can fill this portion of my operating likes.
I will also add its not about winning or loosing with the home owner's assn.. I can win that with 1, 4 minute phone call.. it is however a matter of not being able to enjoy what I had built to its optimal possibilities.. and in my mind.. that is a waste of my hard earned dollar. For fractions of what I put into the previous station I can have a very capable station that I can take with me anywhere.. and operate.
I do thank all of you for your good intentions and suggestions .. but this is the direction I want to go to for now.
Again Thank You all :-)
Steven J. Raas
Locator FN20vg
Home Page http://n2jdq2007.tripod.com/
AMSAT Member # 36396