I'm trying to get HDSDR and SatPC32, to play nicely with HDRplay and an FT-817. I have the HDSDR working with SDRplay like Patrick has demonstrated on here and I'm trying to complete the setup for an fully automated system. I'm trying to get the setup working to the point that if I change the uplink frequency on the 817 with its physical dial the downlink on HDSDR will follow. I'm about half way there. I'm at the point if I change the downlink frequency in SatPC32 the HDSDR display changes with it, but not the 817's uplink frequency. When I first load SatPC32 the 817's frequency changes to the correct uplink frequency but doesn't update afterwards. I'm using VSP Manager to create the VSP's I think I'm a little confused about how this should all hook together serially. Anyone have this working 100% ?
73 Jeff kb2m