R & L Electronics is selling the NANOVNA FOR $59.00. ,70.. after shipping. Mine is on the way.http://www.randl.com/shop/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=7514573Rick Tejera (K7TEJ)Saguaro Astronomy ClubWww.saguaroastro.orgThunderbird Astronomy ClubWww.w7tbc.org -------- Original message --------From: Zach Metzinger [email protected] Date: 2/28/21 09:49 (GMT-07:00) To: [email protected] Subject: [AMSAT-BB] Re: WTB: Circular Polarized Yagis for 1.2/2.4 GHz On 2/28/21 10:01 AM, KENT BRITAIN wrote:> WA5VJB.COM Reference Section has some 1269 MHz CP Yagis that are > pretty easy to build.> > And quite a variety of simple Yagi's for LEO birds.Also remember that the NanoVNA v2 has a frequency range that covers the 1.2GHz and 2.4GHz bands:https://nanorfe.com/nanovna-v2.html$130 is _extremely_ inexpensive for this much functionality, and it takes all the guesswork out of antenna matching.--- ZachN0ZGO-----------------------------------------------------------Sent via AMSAT-BB(a)amsat.org. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum availableto all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressedare solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA.Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!View archives of this mailing list athttps://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] unsubscribe send an email to amsat-bb-leave(a)amsat.orgManage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org