From Jan-Albert Koekemoer via sumbandila.googlegroups.com :
"We've indeed have a long "radio silence" now. Some good news is that we're reprogramming the command transceiver on the satellite used by the SA-AMSAT payload (CTR-VU2) tonight. This will hopefully sidestep the issue we've had with the cut-off at the PTT tail. The idea is to keep the PTT active for the 15 minute duration that the SA-AMSAT payload will be active at a time, i.e. uncouple the PTT functionality from the rest of the SA-AMSAT payload functions.
We will then make sure it works as expected (hopefully first half of next week) and if all goes well, aim to have the payload fully operational and in service again by the end of the week."
SA AMSAT announced that SumbandilaSat will soon be back in the Amateur Radio Mode. Currently Sunspace will re-program CR2 with a fix for the SA AMSAT PTT problem . This is expected to be completed by mid May.
Programming of the Amateur Radio Payload will in future be carried out by the CSIR Satellite Application Centre at Hartebeeshoek. SA AMSAT will work with SAC to coordinate operational requests. More details on how to request operation will be announced in the next two weeks and published on www.amsatsa.org.za http://www.amsatsa.org.za.
We will not be using googlegroups."