Those who have expressed interest in the ARISS meeting previously have received the latest ARISS meeting information. I am including it here for all on AMSAT-BB because there was a query about it here.
Since BB will not accept attachments, our "near final" draft for our ARISS meeting in Houston can be downloaded at:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7b156pcxxrjdjon/ARISS-I%20Agenda%202016%20Houston- Rev%208.pdf?dl=0
As you review this, I think you can see that we have some really exciting topics that we will be discussing and working through, as a team. Most importantly, we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary as a team. For those not aware, 20 years ago, in November 1996, an international group interested in installing and operating a ham radio station on the ISS met at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston and, per NASA's direction, formed an international working group called ARISS. And the rest is history!!
Because we have so many things to address at our ARISS-I meeting, we have divided our discussions into 3 primary categories: 1) Hardware Development, 2) Education and 3) Sustainability and Funding. As you can see in the agenda, we will be conducting two sessions simultaneously like is done in a conference. We will also have plenary sessions, where the entire team will attend, to discuss topics that impact the entire, world-wide team.
If you are still interested in attending the meeting, you are welcome to come. Please let me know (directly) of your interest.
I thank you all for your interest in and support to our magnificent program. It is amazing what we have accomplished in 20 years! It will be exciting to see what we will do in the next 20!!
73, Frank Bauer KA3HDO
AMSAT V.P. for Human Spaceflight Programs
ARISS International Chair