Hi everyone, time for another “what radio is right for me” thread. I haven’t seen one compare these two: IC-7100 and an FT-818. Primarily looking at satellite work, but I’m also interested in HF digital (primarily FT8). I’ve already got an Arrow antenna, and a potatoFeng. Right now I use an SDR to receive, and CubicSDR works pretty well for that-I’ve gotten adept at moving the tuning while using the Armstrong method of Alt/Az locating. I haven’t tried transmitting, just because my HT has pretty poor transmit characteristics. So I feel I’m pretty good on the full duplex issue.
Cost isn’t an issue, with the current rebate on the IC-7100 they are close enough to not matter. And the accessories needed will balance out (for the Icom, tuner and power supply, for the Yaesu, tuner, and signalink-I have an adequate power supply).
For the short term (6 months or so) most of my satellite operating is going to be from a card table in the back yard, or portable. HF will be a little more permanent, so each radio will have to be disconnected, moved, and setup again for satellite stuff. That’s the paralysis—the FT will probably be easier to move, but the IC is more sensitive.
So I think my criteria is coming down to ergonomics of operating vs sensitivity and HF power. I use MacDoppler for tracking, and will probably rely on it for downlink shift on the radios, with my SDR as backup. Oh, I already do QRP CW on 20, so I’m not too nervous about power of the 818.
Thanks, Dan
Sent from my iPad. Fewer misspellings, more errors.