After some delay, I have printed and started sending out QSL cards for all of my recent demonstrations and presentations:
17-23 February 2009: Yuma AZ hamfest, XE2/WD9EWK from Baja California, and assorted stops in DM22 and DM32 around this time.
14 March 2009: Scottsdale AZ hamfest
20 March 2009: ThunderBird Amateur Radio Club (Glendale AZ) demo
21-22 March 2009: day-trip to DM35/DM45 in northern Arizona
I spent a little more time designing QSLs for two of the locations I operated from in Mexicali (Baja California) in February, and needed time to get all the cards printed. Anyone who sent me a QSL for any of these events will have an envelope going to the post office tomorrow, and more cards will go out over the next few days.
Again, if anyone worked me during any of these events and wants to receive a QSL card, please send me an e-mail directly with the QSO details. If you're in the log, you'll get a card. For some QSOs, I may include an SASE so I can get your QSL card - I'm starting to work toward a VUCC from Baja California.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/