Weather permitting, I will have an AMSAT table at the Scottsdale Amateur Radio Club's hamfest on Saturday morning, 9 March 2003. This hamfest is at a new location, the PERA club on Continental Drive (Roosevelt Street), west of Scottsdale Road in Tempe. More information, including a map of the hamfest location, is available from the club's web site:
If it isn't raining, WD9EWK will be on various satellite passes during the morning. Please call if you hear me on, and be a part of the on-air demonstrations. After the hamfest, QSOs will be uploaded to the Logbook of the World. If you work WD9EWK during the hamfest and would like a QSL card, please e-mail me with the QSO details. No need to first send me a card or SASE.
Thanks in advance, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/