I second Frank's comments about FTDI chips. They are about as bullet proof as you will find.
One of the reasons for problems with the Prolific chips is that they are widely cloned. Prolific started adding code to their drivers to identify cloned units, and not work with them even though they will install. A good indication is if your device requires its own proprietary drivers, or old Prolific drivers. In either case, they are likely to have problems under the strain of moving large amounts of data bidirectionally. I have 2 GPS units and a Baofeng programming cable, all cheap ones from China, which will not work with anything later than 2007 drivers. Because these are low demand applications, they work fine.
Another solution, and my preferred one for desktops, is to install PCI serial ports. They are as cheap or cheaper than a good FTDI USB, and they just work.