"Why not list the stations heard?" There should be a "Wall of Shame."
Because of the dozens of packets being digipeated by PCSAT, none or maybe one or two have enough power to get heard. And often those are PCSAT's own packets. PCSAT has no battery capacity to maintain the 10W needed by the XMTRs. So a packet starts, but before even the TXD is up, the battery is dead, and noone gets a full packet.
I use the term "digipeated" here, meaning that the TNC heard it and the TNC keyed the transmitter and send over the audio, but the XMTR dies before the packet is hardlly begun. So you can hear them, but you cannot decode them.
Whereas conventionally when we use the term "digipeated" we are assuming the RF gets out the antnena at the XMT end...
Thanks Bob, WB4APR