Happy Independence Day.
Does anyone recognize the following antennas? I purchased them years ago and they were part of a system I never installed. Over the years, one of the elements has been damaged and, even though I can fix it myself, I'd like to know who made these.
Doggonit, I cannot upload to my webpage (something else yet to figure out). Suffice it to say, my description may not do the antennas justice. There are two of them, a 2m and 70cm made out of sched 40 PVC. They appear to be a "turnstile" type antenna with two aluminum elements at the top and two at the bottom 90° out of phase from each other (top and bottom). In other words, if looking at a compass, the top two elements would be at N and S, the bottom two at E and W. This is the same on both antennas as they are a matching set.
These antennas were in an old QST, but I have since gotten rid of all those magazines and cannot find the article online. Any ideas or suggestions?
Tnx, Joel, W4JBB