Thanks, Patrick,, I have already sent an email to LOTW. If the other station failed to include Propagation Mode or Satellite Name, there should be no match at all. There is no basis for me to be credited with a 144mhz or 432 mhz grid.
I think the queries they use for VUCC "accounts" and the ruleset(s) you can define are buggy. I've run into strange things, reported them to the LOTW help e-mail address, then I'm told by the LOTW help that the problem is fixed without further comment. Don't be surprised if we run into other issues that the LOTW help desk needs to look at, as more of us start using LOTW for grid-based awards.
I spent a lot of time going through my log before uploading it, as LOTW demands perfection. The slightest error (e.g., writing vo-52 instead of VO-52, AO51 instead of AO-51) and the entry is rejected.
You are correct on needing things perfectly entered in the logs for LOTW. The satellite names are listed in the LOTW FAQ page, so it is easy to make sure you're using what LOTW expects there. N5JB's "how-to" PDF for satellite operators using LOTW was a perfect instruction sheet for me to get started with the uploading a few weeks back.
After taking the time to upload my log from the Excel spreadsheet I use into the series of ADI files for each location I've worked from, it is a lot easier just to upload new activity. I put my QSOs from the demos at the Yuma AZ hamfest over the weekend into LOTW on Saturday night, and already have 4 QSLs from those QSOs. I have seen some stations join in recently with LOTW, so the QSL count is always on the move.