... What do you have against the Anritsu equipment ...
Absolutely nothing. They make excellent test and measurement equipment.
... I used to counter the 2.65dB claim?
Excuse me for missing your post!
... I found UHF to be about a half dB and VHF to be better than
that and when I checked the calibration it was within a tenth of a dB ...
THAT is much closer to reality. And THANK YOU for adding sanity and "measured" results to this conversation.
Charles - I had a customer return an Arrow antenna, ranting and raving that it wasn't working. What I discovered was that he "accidentally" sent about 100W into the duplexer, burning out its first inductor. VHF performance was miserable ... UHF seemed OK. But the Arrow - in HIS mind - failed.
And so it goes ....
Clint, K6LCS http://www.work-sat.com