Reports News says its parked 2000KM ahead of ISS and passed just 30KM below it.
Curt, KU8L
Jeff Mock wrote:
It's been fun watching it with gpredict for the last 10 days or so (you need to update the keplers every day). For a long time it trailed behind the ISS, slightly lower and slightly faster, catching up with ISS a little bit each day. A few days ago it zoomed ahead of ISS. I thought this was an error in my keplers, but is evidently part of the exercise with the first ATV to do a simulated collision avoidance maneuver.
I wonder what the visual range to the Jules Verne is from the ISS, it's so large that you must be able to spot it from quite a distance onboard the ISS.
It's definitely worth loading into your favorite satellite tracking program.
Udo Schneider wrote:
Have a look at
Udo, DL7OL
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