Hi Alan,
First of all I'd like to thank you and all those involved in the XW-1 project, so far it appears to have been very successful indeed.
Would it be possible when publishing schedules that you do it in a similar format to that Jan-Albert uses for SO-67 ?
i.e. include the continent being covered. - I'm sure everyone would find this helpful.
Sat 19 Dec 2009 00:06...Japan 00:24...Australia 01:43...Asia 07:56...Europe
I don't wish to sound ungreatful for your hard work, just pointing out how much easier it would be for everyone. If for some reason this isn't possible, then I (and im sure others) won't be offended.
Thanks once again
73 Pete
On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 5:22 PM, Alan Kung alankung@public3.bta.net.cn wrote:
XW-1 FM and digital store-forward transponder will work on Dec. 19 at
On: 1146UTC Off: 1206UTC
73 Alan Kung, BA1DU XW-1 Project Manager
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