I am Virginia coordinator for the annual 13 Colonies Special Event; our call is K2B. This year, the event coordinators are trying to get satellite operators, which they explained to me as follows:
This email is going out to all State and Bonus station Managers. I know it is 20 days to go, but am asking a favor this year. It is in regards to the SATELLITES! It would be super if we can get just ONE operator from each state ... to work the Sat's. We tried this a few years back with limited success. There is also a Satellite endorsement for the certificate which only requires ONE Sat contact. Also an award plaque for the most Sat contacts. WM3PEN, GB13COL and TM13COL single operators will be included for the award. The more the merrier :)
I will volunteer to be the SAT manager just for this year due to the short notice. UNLESS some one would like to do it! All I need is an email from you giving me the call sign of YOUR Sat OP! If we get at least 75% of the states to do this (12 STATIONS INCLUDING BONUS STATIONS OUT OF 16) It is a GO! If not? Anyone can still operate the Sats. Let me know ASAP because time is short.
I don't do any satellite work myself, and I can assure you, there is no minimum time commitment. Drop me an email if anyone is interested.
David, K2WPM [email protected]