with some breaks for meals and shopping I hope to be active on satellites for World Amateur Radio Day using the call sign VE8RAC. This will be on U/v satellites, linear and FM (making an effort to use best practices to reduce QRM), but not AO7 which is too fragile. QSLing will be through the Radio Amateurs of Canada www.rac.ca as this is there call sign not my own.
A note about QSLing, for my own call sign, please keep in mind that US stamps on a SASE will not work here. If sending me a QSL through the mail a self addressed envelope is appreciated, and unless the demand gets too high I don't mind covering return postage. Otherwise unless I forget I'll return the SASE when I mail out my QSL card so that it may be used within the US.
73 Ron VE8RT, and for a few hours today only VE8RAC