11 Mar
11 Mar
4:31 p.m.
TWIMC... QSOs from EM22/32 now uploaded to LoTW. 73, Bob K8BL On Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:52:30 PM CST, Bob Liddy (K8BL) k8bl@ameritech.net wrote:
Gridders, The following stations were in the log for EM22/32 todayon AO-7, CAS-4A, SO-50 and AO-27. If you are missingor I botched your Call, send me an e-mail and I'll re-checkmy recordings. Uploading to LoTW tomorrow, NO e-QSL). 73, Bob K8BL KF6JOQ, N9FN, N5TM, KS1G, KB1HY, KX4BE, WO2T,KC9UQR, K4RGK, AC9O, CO8TW, KB9STR, N8URE, N1AIA,K4UU, N9KT, W4ALF, AA0CW, NI0B, N8RO, KN2K, AA9JS,KQ4DO, WE4B, WA2NDV, K4DCA, AF5CC, NU1U, KC1MEB(Some were also logged on different SATs)