On 01 Mar 2010, at 13:44, MM wrote:
VHF / UHF Optional bands or Transverter: The Amateur radio community is constantly experimenting with new bands. It would be nice to have a Transverter module or expansion module for future bands. In the USA these bands are becoming popular, 220mc, 900 mc, etc
Expansion modules would be very nice--drop it in and it works. 900, 2.3/2.4 GHz, maybe even higher bands.
No obsolete Serial ports: No RS-232 or TTL. These devices are so last century.
RS232 is still extremely important for interfacing with older computers, accessories, or homebrew gadgets. I can't think of a simpler way to do it. Maybe put it on something other than a DE-9 connector though.
Best regards,
Mike Benonis [email protected] KI4RIX