Interesting data from Mike DK3WN!
Mark N8MH
X-BINDING: pd02.embarq.synacor.com X_CMAE_Category: 0,0 Undefined,Undefined X-CNFS-Analysis: v=1.0 c=1 a=eTZUOTcYMmIA:15 a=8N5pNyA62PUA:10 a=Aza6Yw9YCZ4R+/7toVlBpg==:17 a=kxRU16pYAAAA:8 a=I2cWxC-P83Qs_bLxeIkA:9 a=A3zKyMl3O8P-v7Y0GwoA:7 a=iJP2CJsKPvG24uzA3iAhMztdHWUA:4 a=cvn8laQl214A:10 a=50e4U0PicR4A:10 a=PthV78sun1KT-ggwoAEA:9 a=Jv9cjD3ahT8RivWRcPsqCSrGXB4A:4 a=1Vq_FK4TplAA:10 a=CxA2Utj4LuEA:10 a=jkCuhmbb9PDjgNrtS5MA:9 a=-s-skpXRXbqpOtPb:18 a=bliBVldoaqZXmdE7:18 X-CM-Score: 0 X-Scanned-by: Cloudmark Authority Engine Authentication-Results: spam03.embarq.synacor.com [email protected]; spf=unknown X-RZG-CLASS-ID: mo07 X-RZG-AUTH: j/gCopV6EOvJkd7l0rsPX3RjtBH0bSjW8tsupzwqwzrbunA3QB/qOO8SEA74nBp5hKxSoIyC From: "Mike Rupprecht" [email protected] To: "'Mark L. Hammond'" [email protected] Subject: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: Help needed--AO-16 telem Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 16:27:02 +0100 X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0 Thread-Index: AchgKvZ3P6FZ18PKRfSduIgzex5w3AAA8lvg
Hi Mark,
yes, I think it's the same situation here in europe. There are some stations in the south of Europe with big stations and it seems they block the transponder ...
There is indeed an interval of 14 seconds, that means 4.28 rpm - right?
73, Mike
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Mark L. Hammond [mailto:[email protected]] Gesendet: Samstag, 26. Januar 2008 15:52 An: Mike Rupprecht Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: Help needed--AO-16 telem
Thanks for the report, Mike! I'm glad you were able to make some contacts via AO-16.
The bird is quite busy here in the US, so making a QSO can be challenging here, too.
It's NICE to have AO-16 voice pileups on a "dead digital bird" :)
Mark N8MH
At 03:23 PM 1/26/2008 +0100, you wrote:
Hi Mark,
wow, great signals from AOS till LOS.
Just worked (quite easy) some european stations (I6VMS, TA1D, OT4B and
RK3DXB). It's much QRM over Europe but with some discipline good QSO's are possible.
Thank you so much for all.
73, Mike
Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]