12 Apr
12 Apr
5:58 p.m.
I am considering buying an IC910H. I will be controlling it via Trx-Manager. Any comments out there concerning this radio?
Hi Mike,
I own one because of the following:
Six members of our North Shores Amateur Radio club and I made tests comparing the three major suppliers. HRO loaned me the radio, and it never left my house!
We used my antenna system (AZEL yagis, verticals and quadrifilar) using coax switching for an immediate comparison. Testing was done on AO40, and several LEO's available at the time...
Owners of the other two brands declared their next one would be ICOM...
I know nothing about Trx-manager, I use IT and SatPC32...
73, Dave, WB6LLO [email protected]
Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...