Hello All,
I want to thank all the satellite Stations that made contact with W2GSB/Lighthouse today, on Fire Island NY, FN30jp as a result of making contact with the station, you really excited the many visitors that listened to you, and are responsible for bringing a few more operators into our orbit, thank you.
I had the recorder on, however I lost part of it, must be the salt air, I also had a paper backup but I want to be accurate. I would appreciate it if operators who made contact with W2GSB/LH today e-mail me their call, thank you.
I will only operate one pass tomorrow, Sunday, A0-51- 11:31- 11:46 UTC, due to a family obligation, we will have other operators thru the day, but I can't be positive of that, thank you for making this event a lot of fun! If you want more information on the event, please visit www.gsbarc.org
73, Pete, WB2OQQ