To whom it may concern,
A portable satellite station can be as small and simple as a dual-mode handheld plus a 3/4 wave whip - (AO-51).
It isn't always convenient to lug a laptop around but almost everybody carries a mobile phone in their pocket.
Pass prediction programs are available for Windows mobile and certain PDA devices but none - (that I can assertain) - for the Symbian series 60 operating system ... of which there are a*LOT*.
Now, if you happen to be a"wapper" - (pun intentional) - you can get online predictions from the internet - but it's an inconvenient and "finnicky" way of doing things.
Is there anyone out there capabable of writing a pass prediction program for the Symbian series 60 mobile phone operating system?.
(NB - not everybody has the "latest" phone, that's why the Series 60 would be the best option for a Symbian system).
The program doesn't need to have fancy graphics and logos, those are just a waste of space - (again, pun intentional) - a simple prediction table would suffice - showing date, time azimuth, elevation and range. The other criteria are not necessary when you're operating portable.
I did suggest this to Emily N1DID a couple of year ago but nothing came of it.
If anyone is capable - (and willing) - to write such a program I would be *MOST* interested.
Surely it's cheaper to write a Symbian program than to buy a new phone that uses existing software ... like the Predict program on Windows mobile ?.
Anyone willing to take up the challenge? ... (to save me purchasing a new phone).
73 John. [email protected]