Hi Bob and all,
I see from Bob's website that ANDE is due to deorbit about December, which is going to be a sad day when this happens.. I enjoyed the APRS fun with ANDE greatly and will continue to use it with ISS and GO-32! All thanks to Bob's love for his hobby..
Although I can find loads of info about ANDE, and the much loved RAFT (BYE BYE), I am unsure as to the predicted deorbit of FCAL as I can weakly hear the beacon on a 7 element beam, but have never managed to decode it!
I also find that finding sat status a little hard to keep up with? I know the AMSAT one has just been updated, but there are sats still active that arent on there for freq info? Like PO63 Pheunsat for example, has anyone heard this lately?
Finally, thank you too all the suppport you gave me when i first joined the group, also Henk PA3GUO for his help with ANDE! I hope that my questions aren't too stupid and really am looking forward to perhaps working the European ham's on SO-50, A0-51 and AO-27 in the future once I have "plucked" up the courage to actually speak! Still waiting the delivery of my arrow!! Been using a dual band single plane yagi which is great, but not for FULL duplex..
Anyway, thanks for your understanding in these silly questions!
Chris Bloy - M0DQO IO90KU - Fareham, UK