To those whom it may concern, The AO-7 log has been getting "sloppy" of late.
Therefore I have decided from today, the 25th of July 2007, I will continue to administer and edit the log for the convenience of the regular users.
Please remember ... it is designed to be an "activity" log ... not !!! a log to see who can collect the most points so please refrain from entering multiple QSO's on different lines for the same orbit ... because this will then give false overall results.
Just follow the examples of K3SZH or G1WPR. If you do make a mistake, please correct it by clicking on the hourglass to edit your entry. You can edit your own entry but not other people's.
If you need anything other than your own entry edited, you can either use the online contact form or e-mail me direct.
73 John. AO-7 Resource Page Admin: [email protected]