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From: Kermit Carlson [email protected] To: Kermit Carlson W9XA [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 8:27 PM Subject: [frrl] 2013 Central States VHF Society Conference July 26-28
Greetings !
The 2013 Central States VHF Society Conference committee invites you to a full weekend of VHF/UHF activity the weekend of July 26th-through-July 28th. This 47th Annual Conference is being held at the Elk Grove Village Holiday Inn at 1000 Busse Rd located at the South-West corner Route 83 and Landwehr Road in Elk Grove Village. The activities begin Friday morning at 9AM with antenna range gain measurements and pre-amp noise figure measurement contests. Technical Programs are held Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. The detailed Agenda and full information can be found at; http://www.csvhfs.org/2013conference/index.html%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0 The Society is fortunate to be able to welcome noted
VHF/UHF and 10 Ghz enthusiast Mr Dave Sumner K1ZZ, Chief Executive Officer of the ARRL to this year's conference as our Keynote Speaker. Please plan to attend
Saturday's Banquet when you sign-up for the Conference.
Registrations for the Banquet will close on Thursday the 18th of July so please take time now to reserve your dinner selection;
http://www.csvhfs.org/2013conference/2013Registration.html The Forum Speakers and Topics for the 2013 Central States VHF Society Conference - Chicago/Elk Grove Village will include;
James Kennedy, K6MIO(/KH6) Worldwide Es Propagation on 27-29 June 2012
Kent Britain, WA5VJB Unusual Antennas for Unusual Applications
James Froemke, K0MHC Where have all the ROVERS gone? Ed Krome, K9EK Building and Testing VHF/UHF Power Amps based on the
Freescale LD-MOS Modules
James Kennedy, K6MIO(/KH6) Solar Cycle Update
Wayne Overbeck, N6NB Building a Tower Trailer for Roving (and Why!) Jon Platt, W0ZQ Gitchi Gami and the 2012 ARRL 10 GHz Contest
Terry Price, W8ZN 1.5 kW Larcan 222 MHz Amplifier
Keith Pugh, W5IU AMSAT and ARISS Update 2013
Al Ward, W5LUA Working Small Stations on 10 and 24 GHz EME with help of
Gerald Johnson, K0CQ Multiple "mini"-topics (Antenna Modeling, Test "Tricks" to
better your GHz signal, Soldering)
Central States VHF Society Sponsored Activities and Awards -
This will be s moderated session that will recognize the
2012-2013 States Above 50 MHz results, Reverse VUCC and the
2013 VHF & Up Spring Sprints. This session will extend into a discussion of the Future of the Spring VHF & Up Sprints. We look forward to seeing you at the Conference !
73, Kermit Carlson W9XA