Amazing job at only 17°, Nick - congrats!
Also on that pass there was some digi-voice which really caught me off-guard... not something we're used to on the other APRS sats.
Still low on the horizon so it's not totally clear, but sounds like "WD4???" Here's that audio:
-Scott, K4KDR
On Tue, Jul 2, 2019 at 10:11 PM Nicholas Mahr KE8AKW via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
Hi Bob! Managed to copy my first SSTV image on 17 degree pas @01:45 UTC today. Looks like its a image from the ROM of your desk. Also managed to copy a PSK31 telemetry frame on 375hz: PSAT-2 A bDmk bBaalfvdpqjEar aaaa A bCph bBamlkujpqjFak . No luck this pass in trying to bring up the PSK31 transponder and seeing my downlink, but this was my first attempt. I will keep trying on 29.481.50. My SSTV image can be seen on my twitter here: https://twitter.com/KE8AKW/status/1146238059698110465 . Also looks like two stations were digipeated in the US on that pass according to FINDU http://www1.findu.com/cgi-bin/pcsat.cgi?absolute=1 . Thanks for enabling the digipeater. We cannot wait here in the higher latitudes to finally hear and work PSAT-2!
73 - Nick KE8AKW