Jeff: I am puzzled by the issue of crimes here? No one embezzled monies or at least no claim of that exists that I have read.Poor oversight, well a good case for that could be made, but these other allegations are to much. Putting some serious resources to an outside consultant firm like deloitte and touche
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to come in, do a top to bottom evaluation of the functioning of the organization would be money well spent in the long run. Might be 75k, but without a doubt the organization would be more stable and accountable. Proper on boarding training of board members seemsto be long hanging fruit. The current board has members who've got serious connections to the aerospace industry. Highly valued I would say,but that doesn't mean they are qualified to run a business. What would help tremendously here would be to find folks to beon the board with serious business expertise, and use the current human resources in a far more effective way than it appearsthey are being used. Peter
On Monday, July 13, 2020, 07:30:36 PM EDT, Jeff Moore wrote:
Peter, That's a pretty good assessment of what went on from everything I've seen so far. However, I disagree about the severity of the financial issues! I don't know what the AMSAT-NA budget is, in reality, 4 or 5 dollars may not seem like a big amount but when it is misappropriated it is still a crime and someone needs to be made aware of the situation. We aren't talking 4 or 5 dollars here we're talking about 4 or 5 THOUSAND Dollars(or more) and that IS NOT TRIVIAL - it is a major FELONY and needs to be addressed for anyone to have confidence in AMSAT-NA's operations going forward. My personal assessment of this at this point in time is along the lines of the "good ole boy network" in charge doesn't like being caught making questionable expenditures to the point that one of them felt it necessary to RESIGN when all this came up. That suggests that something fishy is going on and this all needs to be investigated by a 3rd party and if necessary criminal charges need to be pursued against the responsible parties. On a slightly different related note - if the AMSAT-NA board is only meeting once a year, how the hell is anything getting done??? If the incumbent board members are not willing to address these SERIOUS issues - they should step down and let someone that will, take over!! Trust me, it's NOT fun to remove a board member that is embezzling funds, BUT IT HAS TO BE DONE REGARDLESS!!!
7 3Jeff Moore -- KE7ACY